Unizin Course Monitor aka Snapshot

The analytics tools provided through Unizin provides a common infrastructure for standard data gathering, storage and delivery that use real time, interpretable data for modeling and exploration. The gathering of this data can provide insights to students, faculty and advisors that can help them determine actions and decisions that improve learner success.

Data, metrics and analytics are gathered from learning management systems and users can access and view this information in a visual and easy-to-use dashboard called Course Monitor. From this dashboard, faculty can assess individual student performance and analyze learning trends within their courses and content and students can see their performance in the class and compare it with others.

A pilot of Course Monitor is in progress for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Sponsor Team

Course Monitor Interface

Overall section performance

Main Course Monitor screen showing the overall section performance on assignments and quizzes, along with flagged alerts for at-risk factors.

Snapshot student monitoring screen

Course Monitor student monitoring screen showing key indicators for each student, with options to filter based on current performance.


Detailed student \

Detailed student "snapshot" showing performance relative to the section.

Course Monitor aka Snapshot at IU